
LED Elemental Dice & Electric Roll Tray!

Created by Modern Awesome Dice

These LED Dice are powered directly from the Roll Tray. They NEVER need charged & contain no batteries! Non-stop glow in the tray!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Roll Tray Trial Molds have begun!
almost 2 years ago – Wed, May 31, 2023 at 06:48:03 PM

Hey Everyone,

We have just finished the Molds and are now producing the first trial mold batch for the roll tray. The trial molds allow us to fine tune the injection paramters and see where any flaws or weak points are showing up and then we will adjsut the mold accordingly. Once all of the adjsutments are made and look good then we will polish the mold and mass production will be able to begin! Woo hoo! This is a big mile stone and we are one step closer to getting these awesome Dice sets in your hands!

Trial Mold Run #1
CNC machine adjusting the mold
Mold for the Roll Tray internal compartment Access
Mold for the base of the Roll Tray

Roll Tray Mold Adjustments and Dice Core LED tests
almost 2 years ago – Fri, Apr 28, 2023 at 07:26:53 PM

Hey Everyone!

Things are progressing nicely with your LED Dice Sets:) The main molds for the tray components are almost finished. We are having them adjust the depth of the tray to fit the correct dimensions of roll pad insert and adding feet on the bottom to help with cooling the power coils. 

At the same time we are making the last tweaks on the LED core components and having the factory do balance tests to confirm that the LED cores will be perfectly balanced in the center of the dice.

While a bit slower than our original timeline things are progressing well.  We will keep you posted as we approach the first test run from the molds here soon!

Roll tray material liner test & Dice Core size adjustments
about 2 years ago – Thu, Mar 16, 2023 at 09:44:07 PM

Hey Everyone,

We are currently testing different materials for the base liner of the roll tray to see what will be the most durable adn aesthetic option. Right now it is lookling like a PU Leather material is the best option but we would lvoe your thoughts and feedback. Are there any votes for a velvet style over a PU leather materials? We have even considering a textured rubber as well. Thoughts? 

We are also testing a few size adjsutments for a few of the dice. The D4 and D10 have such steep angles that it is hard to perfeclty center them so the factory has asked if it would be ok to slightly increase the size so we are doing tests now to see if the size increase will still allow the dice to feel good in hand and when rolling. 

Molds have begun!
about 2 years ago – Wed, Feb 15, 2023 at 08:03:44 PM

Hey Everyone!

The factory is officially beginning to create the injection molds for the roll tray! We are sending the wire over this week! That means that in about 4 weeks we should have our first molded samples:) Then mass production can begin shortly after that point! Woo hoo!

For those of you who opted for the bifrost design we will be posting that artwork soon to get feedback and then it will be approved to begin with the other designs as soon as the dice mass production is underway. 

We will keep you posted as the molds and trial batches progress. Things will be moving fast as soon as that first test batch is finished  and approved here in 4 weeks or so:)


Modern Awesome Dice 

Missing tray add on option? Single Die shipping cost fixed! Silicon D6 price error Fixed!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Nov 23, 2022 at 10:07:48 PM

For those of you who can't see the power roll tray as an option to add on: email us at contact@ we are reaching out to backer-kit to see why everyone cant see that option.

Those who backed for a single silicon D6: We were able to get the backer-kit software to adjust the silicon die price to the correct $20 level so your cart should reflect that now. 

SHIPPING COST FOR SINGLE DIE: If you ordered ONLY a single silicon D6 you will be getting a $5 credit to your cart. The minimum shipping cost was defaulting to the weight level for a full set of dice and not for one single die. With that credit it should bring the minimum down to the accurate shipping weight for just one single die:)

Thanks for all your support and letting us know of these errors! If you spot anything else let us know and we will get you taken care of:)


Modern Awesome Dice